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Prayer resources
Many of us have begun to learn to use technology in new ways and though not all of us are proficient it has still been good to share worship together each day online.
We are able to share with you here some prayer resources for those who are unable to meet together.
‘Prayers in a Time of Trouble‘ is a Cathedral booklet which details: a Reflective Service for worship in isolation; Scripture that may give comfort; Bible readings and Collects for Sundays; an order for the Office of Compline (Night Prayer); various prayers to use throughout your day and for specific causes; prayer on TV, Radio and the Internet; and guidance and information to help you if you are lonely whilst self-isolating.
Please view or download the booklet here:
‘Coronavirus Prayers 2020‘ is a Cathedral leaflet which details prayer resources for these times. These prayers have been designed to work both as “stand-alone” prayers, or to be incorporated as part of a set of intercessions on a “pick and mix” basis.
Please view or download the leaflet here:
For those who are able to use the internet and social media, the following can be sourced:
Morning Prayer (Mon-Fri) – this is live streamed on the Cathedral’s Facebook page and taken by a Canon or the Dean of Newcastle. Please visit the Cathedral’s Facebook page here (you will need to have a Facebook account already set up to access our page).
Daily Reflections (Mon-Fri) – A short act of worship with a Reflection taken by a Canon or the Dean of Newcastle. Available via our services online webpage or our YouTube Channel.
Please know that you are held in prayer by the Dean and Ministry Team of the Cathedral at this time. May God’s protection and blessing be upon you and those you love this day and always.